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I heard it often in Mississippi in the early sixties, Politics and religion don’t mix.  I was a Methodist Minister and the civil rights issue was raging. You couldn’t be a serious Christian, or a faithful church-goer, without having to deal with the claim, politics and religion don’t mix!


There may be a monumental difference between a serious Christian and a faithful church goer. When you add minister to the mix more conversation may be called for. I’m aware of all that as I begin this writing. So, if there’s conversation in response to what I ask you, don’t let it center on the politics and religion don’t mix evasion.


A recent headline shouted, 70% of Americans don’t want a Biden-Trump presidential race. How can we not think and talk about politics?


Since it seems certain, at this point, that Biden is going to be one in that race, isn’t it crucial that we give focused attention to who will be the competitor. With that notion settling solidly in my mind, I’m not willing to accept the monumental TRUMP/TRUMP drumbeat as the last sound.


How can I when last week, a federal appeals court rejected Trump’s request to lift a gag order in his 2020 election subversion case, which he calls a violation his First Amendment rights. All 11` appellate judges, 3 appointed by Trump, backed the decision.


How can I when one or the strongest arguments he and supporters make against his opponent, is Biden’s age, reasoning and memory failing.  Yet, for months, Trump has repeatedly referred to running against Barack Obama in 2016 and 2024, and just recently, at a rally in New Hampshire, attacking his primary opponent Nikki Haley, he claimed Haley was “in charge of security” for the Capitol on Jan.6, and was therefore responsible for the invasion of the Capitol by MAGA followers. Defenders sought to excuse him, suggesting he confused her with Nancy Pelosi.  That’s not very convincing since he mentioned Haley’s name four times in trying to blame her for Jan. 6. Supporters are seeking to swat away more convincing evidence than this of failing memory and mental state by saying the evidence offered is AI generated.


Though I have multiple concerns, I add just one other: I’m having difficulty understanding what Trump believes, or accepting what he says he believes. Biden used the 51st anniversary of Roe vs Wade to criticize Trump for naming three Supreme Court Justices who voted to overturn that landmark decision. Knowing the Democrats are beginning to use abortion as a huge political issue, in a recent town hall meeting Trump affirmed that he was “honored” to have contributed to Roe’s downfall. Even so, he has urged Republicans to “ease up” on their focus banning abortion issue because “You have to win elections.”


What does Trump really believe. I doubt if it matters. A phone message retrieved for the trial against him for the Jan 6 Capitol “insurrection” has it that when Trump was told that Mike Pence was in danger, he simply replied, “So what?” Pence was his Vice President! What kind of human concern does that witness?


Because of deep Christian convictions and avid concerns I can’t escape mixing religion and politics. I don’t want to have to choose between Trump and Biden for President. There are could be other options.

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