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I believe there are two frames of reference out of which we tend to operate as Christians – either is debilitating to our Christian growth and service. One is a false humility that refuses to name and claim our gifts. The second is a confidence that claims too much for ourselves, and is not dependent enough upon the power of Christ.

I memorized this word from Paul over 50 years ago. It is a word to which I return often as personal counsel, and as a word of guidance for others. It will help us as we deal with the two frames of reference out of which we operate.

Not that I have already attained this or have already reached the goal; but I press on to make it my own, because Christ Jesus has made me His own.”(Philippians 3:13)

If we give it our attention, the big learnings in the verse are obvious.  Leave the past behind. Not that I have already attained this or have already reached the goal; but I press on. The verb tense in that sentence is present. I press on! This is a shattering of that static, protective positioning of most of us – preferring the hell of a predictable situation rather than risking the joy of an unpredictable one.

Many of us seek to escape the present and retreat into the past by crying over it. We don’t cling to it, but we cry over it. Thus, we live in the past by nursing old grievances, rehearsing old regrets, wallowing in guilt and shame about what has happened in the past.

Either of these actions – clinging to the past, or crying over it – drains us of energy, blinds us to the magic of the present moment, robs us of the fulfillment and the wonder of life as God gives it to us as a gift every day.



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