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Wow! “Tani” Adewumi, a 10-year-old Nigerian refugee, has become the country’s newest national chess master. He came to America with his family in 2017, fleeing from the terror of extremist group Boko Haram. He started learning chess three years ago at a New York City school while living in a homeless shelter with his family. Just a year later, Tani won the New York State chess championship for his age group.  He is now the 28th youngest person in the U.S. ever to achieve the national chess ranking.

What a story to inspire us on this Fourth of July weekend! Immigration is a challenging issue. How many “Tanis” are among the hundreds of children packed into temporary shelter on our Southern border…many of them without parents? Living in fear, as they undoubtedly are, how do they pass their “endless days” of loneliness and uncertainty? Who is relating to them? Do they have the opportunity to play games? How many teenage girls are being sexually molested?

Wall or no wall, concern for our nation’s infrastructure…. of course! Related to the national budget and setting priorities, we need a comprehensive immigration policy that is attentive to our national life, but also compassionate and caring for the Adewumi families that are daily knocking at our door.

Tani spends 10 hours every day practicing chess. His goal is to become the world’s youngest grandmaster.  How much time do I spend daily preparing myself as a Christian disciple? Practicing my discipleship in specific ways?

I love this country and I know you do. And on this past weekend, if we never think of it on any other, our prayer is “God bless America.” God HAS blessed America. Those who founded our nation built on the solid foundation of a trust in the abiding presence and power of the Almighty.

Not just on a special weekend, but in our daily walk, how attentive are we to the abiding presence and power of God? How sensitive and responsive are we to the signs and signals challenging us to live and love as the One whose name we claim as Christians? Were Christians among those working with Tuni in the New York City Schools and with his family in the homeless shelter?  My hunch is there was. Are we as deliberate and as intentional as they in practicing our faith?

As Christians, even on the Fourth of July, we should not think of situation in our nation apart from our discipleship. Our primary citizenship is not the U.S. but the Kingdom of God. Satan’s strategy is distorting and controlling institutions. We must pray earnestly for Satan’s prey—our leaders.

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