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We can never hide from the all-knowing, omnipotent, omnipresent God. Nor should we want to hide.  This is our promise and hope: God’s love light is constantly going before, seeking us out, lighting our path, turning our night into day. The eyes of the Lord…run to and fro through the whole earth” (Zech.4:10). I will not hide.

This is the word Kerry Peeples (my daughter) wrote about the above tryptic.   She graciously allowed me to use her painting as a visual expression of pondering and kindling.

Psalm 139 captures her thoughts superbly.

Where can I go from your Spirit? Where can I flee from your presence?

If I go up to the heavens, for you are there; If I make my bed in the depths, you are there

If I say, surely the darkness will hide me, even the darkness will not be dark to you;

the night will shine as the day, for darkness is as light to you (Ps. 139:12)

God seeks us far more than we seek Him.

None of us are free from seeking to hide. Children seek to hide their mistakes and failures from their parents, not telling the whole story of some happening and the cause of it. Husbands and wives are not always totally honest with each other. An altogether too frequent effort at destructive hiding is one person in a marriage “having an affair.” No matter how smart he or she might be, sooner or later, the light shines in the darkness and the betrayal is revealed.

No hiding is healthy or good. Most of the efforts of hiding on the part of adults is morally and ethically wrong and will bring pain and tribulation.

Ironically, we even try to hide from God, thinking we can hide from the One for whom even “the darkness is light.” Nothing is hidden from the “all seeing One.”

Here is an amazing truth that would be redemptive in all our efforts at hiding: accept the fact that God knows us thoroughly, yet loves us thoroughly. The exhilarating fact is that each of us is someone special. However, that revelation comes, it must come if we are going to be whole persons.  God knows us thoroughly, yet loves us thoroughly.

Kerry said it, and painted it well: We can never hide from the all-knowing, omnipotent, omnipresent God. Nor should we want to hide.  This is our promise and hope

 Even if we could, there is no need to hide!

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