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Life With an Eraser

Those who know me fairly well know that Peanuts is my favorite cartoon. If they knew me a bit better, they would conclude that I pay regular attention to many cartoons.  Dennis the Menace often gets my attention. In one cartoon, Dennis is being punished, sitting over...

Giving Is Good for Your Health

According to the Cleveland Clinic, giving releases feel-good chemicals in your body like serotonin, dopamine and oxytocin, lowers blood pressure and reduces feelings of stress and anxiety. That’s good news. In addition to giving being a spiritual act of worship, we...

Jesus Brings Us Up to Size

One day Lady Astor said to Winston Churchill, “Mr. Churchill, if I were your wife I’d poison your tea.” He replied, “Madam, if I were your husband, I should drink it.” There are always people around who will bring us down to size. What we...

The Devil Made Me Do It

In a recent cartoon, President Biden, patriotically dressed including an Uncle Sam top hat, is standing by a tree which has been chopped down. The tree is named “Afghanistan.” The ax that cut down the tree is wedged in the ground near the tree stump. President Biden...

An Emotional Rest Stop

I don’t know when I discovered it; no more than a few months ago, but I have    become a regular reader of Pearls Before Swine, a  comic strip by Stephan Pastis.The title refers to Jesus’  admonition, “Do not cast your pearls before swine” (Matthew 7:6)....

Finish Thy New Creation

Billy Graham died February 21, 2018, but who can forget his powerful witness? He was clear and courageous in his commitment and teaching. Here is an example: “If I were an enemy of Christianity, I would aim right at the Resurrection because that’s the heart of...

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