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Not a Few, But All People Are Sacred

We too quickly leave the reason for our celebrations behind. We must not do that on July 4. The tension and threatened disruption in Russia are an immediate reminder of who we say we are as a nation is as critical today as ever. When the founders of the United States...

One Nation, Under God

Providentially, a few days ago I came across reflective words I had written years ago, following a visit to Estonia, what was then East Germany, and the German Democratic Republic. I was there in a more or less official capacity, so in  these  three countries, I was...

Living Now and Pressing On

I believe there are two frames of reference out of which we tend to operate as Christians – either is debilitating to our Christian growth and service. One is a false humility that refuses to name and claim our gifts. The second is a confidence that claims too much...

Claiming Who We Are Where We Are

I don’t know how it is with you, but I have a number of Scripture passages to which I refer off and on, sometimes out of need, sometimes reminded of it when I’m listening to something else. Recently I was listening to a sermon on the text, Do not think of yourself...

The Power of Words

There is tyranny in words. Words can be Philistine giants that slay us, or they can provide the solid foundation on which we build our lives. They can be  maxims that crumble like ashes, or ropes on slippery places that keep us erect and steady. We think too little...

A Father Never Gives Up

An article in The Commercial Appeal (4-20-23) tells a dramatic story about the love of Walter Watkins and son for their stolen dog. The dog, Hennessy, was stolen from their yard when she was only three months old. A neighbor said she saw a man pull Hennessy over the...

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