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A Modern Plague: No Sense of Holy

Sunday, March 28, was Palm Sunday, the beginning of Holy Week. This is a week when Christians recall the events leading up to Jesus’ death by crucifixion and Resurrection. The week includes five significant days, the first being Palm Sunday, which commemorates Jesus’...

Be Sure Your Sins Will Find You Out

This past week, news sources reported that Alexi McCammond was dismissed from her job as editor-in-chief of Teen Vogue even before officially starting. The 27-year-old McCammond was seen as a rising star who covered Joe Biden’s presidential campaign last year for...

More Than a Book

I was not aware until this past week that there has been an ongoing effort to make the Bible the official book of Tennessee. A story in Saturday Commercial Appeal began, “It’s back. Once again the controversial measure to make the Bible the official book of Tennessee...

Singing the Lord’s Song in a Strange Land

The House of Representatives has voted to pass the Equality Act, a bill that would ban discrimination against people based on sexual orientation and gender identity. It would also substantially expand the areas to which those discrimination protections apply. When the...

The No That Is a Yes

Christians have established a calendar shaped by the great events of Christ, His birth and the spread of the Christian faith: Advent, Epiphany, Lent, Easter, Pentecost. Along with Advent and Christmas the Lenten season receives the most attention. It is the time of...

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