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To Wear or Not to Wear Skinny Jeans

I’ve never been a latest-fashion-follower, though I confess, for a season I did wear a “leisure suit” and white suede shoes. I’m aware that many readers will have no knowledge of “leisure suits.” They were popular in the early 1970s but didn’t last long. I thought I’d...

All Walls Are Vulnerable

“Something there is that doesn’t love a wall, that wants it down!” wrote poet Robert Frost. Unfortunately, that sentiment is not universally shared. The largest construction project ever undertaken by humanity was building the Great Wall of China. Enough stone was...

Loss of Memory

Memory is one of our most important capacities. It is a blessed gift. James M. Barie said, “God gave us memory so that we might have roses in December.” But it is more than recalling beauty. Memory gives us a sense of meaning. We are who we are because of memory. When...

Attention to Theological Education and Ordination

  Attention to theological education and preparation for ministry has always been a part of the Methodist/Wesleyan expression of church. I’m a Methodist by choice. For me, one of the attractions to the Methodist Church was the emphasis on an educated clergy. The...
Healing Prayer: Neglected Too Long

Healing Prayer: Neglected Too Long

I have been in professional ministry for over 60 years, most of those years as a pastor. I can’t imagine a richer life. By common standards, most would say I have had a successful ministry. I have reservations even using the word successful in relation to ministry....

Making Love

Am I wrong in assuming that when you saw the title of this blog you immediately thought of sexual love? If I were a stranger seeing it, that’s the way I would think. I may write a blog with that focus someday because we need to give more attention to the sexual...

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