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Learning from Sharks

When our family goes to the beach, we think about sharks. I don’t know how much thought you give to sharks, or if you ever think about them at all. Though sharks are not often present in our beach setting, we have seen them enough to survey the waters. Why? We know...

Wait Awhile

They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint. (Isaiah 40:31) This word of the prophet Isaiah has been memorized and is the favorite verse of many. But...

Talk Big, Play Small

Yesterday’s Commercial Appeal (9/19/21) had this big headline: MORE THAN TALK. It was the story of a Mississippi doctor who bought a hospital that was about to close.  Dr. Kenneth Williams, who saw patients there, learned the hospital was likely going to close and...

Growth in Barren Places

On a camping vacation in the Rocky Mountains I was amazed at a certain green plant on ledges of a bare rock. There is no dirt for its roots, yet it tenaciously clings to the rock through wind and storm. A park ranger provided the answer to this plant’s mysterious...

Playing a Role or Being a Truth

There is all the difference in the world between playing a role and being a truth. There is a popular fable that confirms this. A motherless tiger cub who was adopted by goats and raised by them to eat grass and bleat as they did.  It wasn’t long before the tiger cub...

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