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So God…. So Jerry

Not long ago, I went through two or three weeks of difficulty sleeping. One evening, in the closet where I prepare for bed, I found a small placard hanging in a very obvious place, “Don’t Count Sheep; Talk to the Shepherd.” That’s SO, Jerry.” Jerry is my wife, nothing...

I’ll Meet You in the Morning

On the Christian calendar November 1 is celebrated as “All Saints Day.” The practice began in the 4th century to commemorate the martyrs who had died for the faith. Over time, it developed as a celebration of all the saints of the church, whether known or unknown. In...

A Business Acts for the Sake of Human Kind

Recently, two brief news articles caught my attention. According to a study in the medical journal Pediatrics, during COVID-19, more than 120,000 children in the U.S have lost a parent or grandparent who was a primary caregiver. More than half of these children are...

What Is Our Business?

“It isn’t any of our business, is it, Lord?” A little girl with a tender conscience asked this question in her evening prayer. She had seen a poor, needy man on the street that day. “Oh, Mama,” she had said, “let’s help him.” The mother had answered, “Come...

Generic Christianity Is Not Enough

I remember it as though it were yesterday. I was driving east on Poplar Avenue in Memphis when I noticed a bumper sticker on the car in front of me. The large letters said, “I AM A GENERIC CHRISTIAN.” That got my attention. I never thought about anyone being a generic...

Hidden Hurts

How often do we hear it, “If you only knew what I was going through.” How many times have we thought, if I had only known what was happening in that relationship I would have related differently. How much time do we spend with some people and conclude, I never really...

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