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Return the Favor

We have seen it on bumper stickers. I saw it recently on a placard in a friend’s office. Be patient with me; God has not finished with me yet. Most of us could honestly post that message about ourselves. We want people to be patient with us. Does that not mean we need...

I’m Not in Control

By nature, I am not an introspective person. I have to be deliberate and call myself to look honestly at my life, examine my patterns of action and the motives that drive me. This self-examination is sometimes painful, but is always fruitful in giving me perspective...

Can Praying Combat Crime?

“Can praying combat crime?” That was the title of the lead article in our newspaper back in mid-December. (12-11-21) A small group of ministers met on the banks of the Mississippi River to pray for our city which is the nation’s second-poorest city, and has the...

Let Us Now Praise Famous Men

The title of my blog today is a familiar word, “Let us now praise famous men.” It is the beginning of a passage in The Wisdom of Sirach. The entire sentence is, “Let us now praise famous men, and our fathers that begat us”. In a recent blog I talked about...

Words Can Be Lethal

“Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” I don’t know when I first heard that word, or who said it. It sounded bold and strong. In reflection, my hunch is that whomever coined that singsong wisdom was probably in some dark...

Loneliness: A Deadly Enemy

Our city, Memphis, is known for a lot of things in a lot of different ways; one big way: our music. It’s difficult to argue against the fact that we are the homeplace of “the birth of blues.” Our most famous person among a huge cast of well known musicians is Elvis...

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