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A Ring of Prayer: The Priesthood of All Believers

Recently, I shared the story about a ring we bought years ago when traveling in Russia and the former Soviet Union. After the fall of the Berlin Wall, we were visiting Christians and establishing relationships with the long oppressed Church. Jerry has worn the ring...

Love Is Something You Do and It’s Dangerous

I’m not sure anyone has the credentials to teach and/or write about love and marriage. I might. I’ve been married longer than most of you reading this have been living. I married the woman who is still my mate before you were born. This week, March 15, Jerry and I...

Let Us Now Remember Great Women

March 8 is International Women’s Day, and March is Women’s History month. Throughout this month, Americans will celebrate the many achievements of women throughout history in art, athletics, business, government, philanthropy, humanities, science, and education. ...

A Unique, Unrepeatable Miracle of God

There are no carbon copies in God’s family.  Each one of us is a unique, unrepeatable miracle of God.  . Maya Angelou’s I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings is her moving and beautiful autobiography.  She talks about growing up in the South, and the uniqueness of the...

You Are Still Important and Needed

It’s a terrible thing to believe that nobody needs you. . The temptation is to believe that we have been put on the shelf and all that is left now is for us to just sit there – to be present, but not to mean anything? It’s also a terrible thing to believe that...

If I Have Not Love

It was a new experience…a biscuit in the shape of a heart, an offering of Chick-Fil-A. Another sign of commerce responding to culture….Valentine’s Day. It’s interesting how holidays days are established and evolve. Valentine’s Day, February l4, is a day when romance...

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