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Take Who I Am As A Whole

Facebook can be a bane or a blessing. I could say that differently: Facebook can be a blessing or a curse. Without getting into details about why bane rather than blessing, I think it sounds better, and curse sounds so harsh, I received an email a few days ago that...

Fall Seven Times and Stand Up Eight

Far be it for me to say or write anything that would glorify war. I’m not a pacifist, but probably an “almost one.” I regularly read the newspaper and listen to the news find out what is going on in Ukraine. The war there has the attention of the world. Most everyone...

Birds That Cannot Fly

Some time ago Life magazine carried an essay and picture series entitled “Strange Birds That Cannot Fly.” The article tells the fascinating story of a group of strange-looking birds, with curious names like kiwi and cassowary and emu, which constitute one of the...

Having a High Opinion of Yourself

In The Old Man and the Sea Hemingway tells one of the most captivating sea adventure stories ever written. It’s the tale of an old man’s ordeal with a big fish far out at sea. In one dramatic moment the huge fish jumps out of the water to show his gigantic self to the...

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