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Owning Responsibility

Dominating the news these days is the story of the beating of Tyre Nichols that led to his death. Five policemen were involved in the incident and are being charged with murder. Much of the story is told in the cameras of the policemen and the public camera at the...

Don’t Let Yesterday Rob You of Tomorrow

There are consequences of what we have done, how we have lived, and we don’t escape those consequences. I came across a marvelous expression of it in my Bible reading recently. I was reading from the Revised Standard Version, and this is what that translation...

Chickening Out on Ourself

George Santos. We have heard or read that name often if we have listened to T.V. news, or read a newspaper in the past week. His name first appeared in national news when he won a seat in U.S. Congress as a California Representative. But it soon began…charges about...

Practice Being God

We hardly go through a week without asking, “Where is God in all of this?” It came dramatically last week when the tapes were released picturing five policemen senselessly beating a man to death. Even with the questions about police brutality, race relations, justice,...

How Close to Midnight Is Humanity

  The newspaper headline was attention-getting: HOW CLOSE TO MIDNIGHT IS HUMANITY? Each January for the past 75 years, the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists has published the Doomsday Clock. The meaning of that, if not obvious, can be guessed.  The clock suggests...

When Nature Says No to Our Yes

Our community was painfully rocked last week by the crash of a plane carrying five leaders (four pastors and one lay person) of one of the churches of our city. The Lead Pastor was the only person who survived. Questions have been swirling, especially in the Christian...

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