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Nothing Prosaic About the Lord’s Prayer

There is nothing prosaic about the Lord’s Prayer. I begin with that claim not only to get your attention but to dogmatical state a fact. I repeat it, there is nothing prosaic about the Lord’s Prayer. Ponder for a moment. This prayer is the most familiar of Christians...

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Not Getting Us Into Heaven

During the last few weeks, when I awake in the middle of the night and don’t return to sleep quickly, in my mind I sing. Interestingly the most frequent songs that come to mind are Gospel Songs that we sang in the little country church of my youth over 70 years ago....

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Continuous Indecision Is Poisonous

The problem is a common one…Continuous indecision. Life on earth is life in the making. It involves constant choice and constant conflict. Conflict between the different facets of our nature that vie for allegiance. Conflict between the different causes that clamor...

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Praying for Mikhail Gorbachev

This week Russia’s former President, Mikhail Gorbachev, was buried in what the newspaper described as a low-key funeral service. When I read that, I remembered an encounter with Gorbachev that was not “low-key” for me. I was with 20 other ministers visiting Russia...

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More Reflections on Elvis

I wrote last week about Elvis. We had just closed Elvis Week in Memphis and I had seen the movie "Elvis.” My continued reflection may say more about me than about him. I won’t even try to rationalize why and what I’m thinking about one of the most celebrated...

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A Lesson, Maybe Lessons, From Elvis

I saw the movie, Elvis, and was surprised. It was as much about his manager, Tom Parker, as it was about Elvis. In retrospect, I think that was good, maybe a lesson. Without it being the centerpiece, the story of insecurity and self-centered greed was portrayed in...

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Birthday Reflections at 88

This week, August 12, was my 88th birthday. If I were not prone to reflection, the state of our nation and the situation is our United Methodist Church would force it on me. As an ordained minister, my life is “buried with Christ” in the Church, in the world.  I...

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