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The story of the Prodigal Son is one of the most familiar in the Bible. It is so rich in meaning that no matter how well we know it, we need now and then to take another look at it.

Before we rehearse that story, I ask you a question, what is the central truth in the parable of the prodigal son? Stop reading for a minute and think about it. In terms of what you know about it, what is the central truth in the story?

Boil it all down, refine it to its most precious essence, and I believe the central truth is this – when the wayward son returned home, his father received him as though he had never been away.

Now let’s look at a part of the story.  The prodigal had been in a far country but had come to his senses. The bright lights and beautiful women, the excitement of life as a continuous party didn’t bring the meaning it promised.  A pocketful of money could buy companionship as long as the money lasted, but it couldn’t purchase friends.  His money ran out and he had to seek a living and ended up feeding the hogs. And then it dawned on him, the servants back home had it better than he. So, he swallowed his pride, mustered up his courage, and started the long trek back to the father’s house and the family whom he had so callously forsaken. Every step along the way, he rehearsed his speech of repentance.

Now here he is back at home, the dirt of the far country not only upon his clothes but crusting his soul. Then the miracle:  Bring the best robe and put it on him. Put sandals on his feet. Get a ring for his finger. Kill the fatted calf. Let’s have a party.

All grace-the miracle of forgiveness and acceptance. He still smelt of swine, but that didn’t matter.  He was a son with the ring and the wearing the best robe. Relationship restored as though relationship had never been broken. When the prodigal returned home, his father treated him as though he had never been away.

How does this story relate to your understanding and acceptance of the Gospel?


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