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I don’t know when I discovered it; no more than a few months ago, but I have  
 become a regular reader of Pearls Before Swine, a  comic strip by Stephan Pastis.The title refers to Jesus’  admonition, “Do not cast your pearls before swine” (Matthew 7:6). According to the cartoonist, Rat, who considers himself a genius, casts his “pearls” of wisdom before Pig (“swine”), who is the only one naive enough to seriously listen.

There is an array of animal characters that reflect everyday life.  In a recent scene, Pig (the swine) is behind a sign that his visitor, Goat, asks about. The sign reads An Emotional Rest Stop. Pig explains: I got the idea from Highway Rest Stops for drivers.” In the next frame he continues, “This is a place for you to just take stock of your life and realize you’re doing the best you can.” In the last frame Goat is lying back beside Pig, saying, “I may be here all week.” (The Commercial Appeal, April 13, 2023)

How many times have we longed for An Emotional Rest Stop. The family seems to be tearing apart, the job has become just a way to make a living and I wonder how long I can go on and our children are troubled with school. On a more expansive social level, our national political parties are fighting like hateful enemies, hardly a week passes when T.V. doesn’t report a suicide, and often it’s a mass killing. All of this as we are wondering whether Russia or China is our most likely military threat.

There are no simple or easy answers to any of these, or experiences like them. There are some things that can be helpful and may give us An Emotional Rest Stop.

One and most important, Do I need professional help to deal with this issue? If so, find it.

Two, am I treating something as permanent, that is temporary? Who is involved and initiate conversation?

Three, is my faith an issue? Do I believe and trust the “Healing One”?  Remember the healing presence is not always the dramatic healing of physical or mental disorder to which we can give witness, though sometimes it is that.  The healing is not always instantaneous and complete, though it often is.  More often than not, healing is a process.

Four, ponder this word of Scripture. It may be helpful to have it in a place where you see it now and then and appropriate the meaning. ‘Be happy in your faith at all times.  Never stop praying.  Be thankful, whatever the circumstances may be.  If you follow this advice, you will work out the will of God expressed to you in Jesus Christ.  Never dampen the fire of the spirit’ (Thessalonians 5:16-18)

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